2020 Inter-Provincial Meeting
The Inter-Provincial meetings are the one annual opportunity for the entire Canadian seed industry to come together to exchange information and discuss the most important issues affecting our sector today.
This year’s meeting theme will be “communication is the foundation to building bridges.”
We encourage all industry stakeholders to attend, as these meetings are your opportunity to engage in the future direction of our industry.
8:45 am Inter-Provincial General Session opens
9:00 am Call to Order and Virtual Guidelines
9:05 am Opening Remarks
9:15 am Seeds Canada Update
9:45 am Canadian Seed Growers Association Update
10:15 am VUA Pilot Program 2020 & 2021 Update
10:45 am Musical/video interlude – Self Refreshment Break
10:55 am I-P Meeting Resumes
11:00 am Keynote Presentation: Kit Welchlin– Building Bridges
1:00 pm Inter-Provincial Meeting General Session closes
Keynote Speaker

Kit has personally delivered over 3,000 presentations to more than 500,000 people in public and private organizations and their professional associations. In 2014, Kit was inducted into the Minnesota Speakers Association Hall of Fame.
Kit’s presentations help people work together better and get more done in less time. The benefits from Kit’s presentations include increased productivity, enhanced customer service (internal and external customers), and effectively applied emotional intelligence.
A born public speaker and trainer, Kit Welchlin began public speaking at the age of 9 in 4-H. By 16, he was organizing and facilitating presentations on leadership, citizenship, community service, and motivation, as a state officer for the 4-H and Future Farmers of America.
Kit Welchlin purchased his first manufacturing company at age 21, and by 26 was CEO and Chairman of the Board of three manufacturing companies in three states. He’s been an instructor with the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, where he has been repeatedly nominated Outstanding Faculty. He is a Professional Member of the National Speakers Association.
Kit has a B.S. Degree in Speech Communication, Business Administration and Political Science. He earned an M.A. Degree in Speech Communication and Business Administration.